Ever stopped to wonder how the information we consume on media shapes our opinions and even has a say in our everyday life decisions. Let’s talk about how we believe what the media wants us to believe. The question of whether the media is telling us the truth or is the truth what the media tells us is the elephant in the room(as rightfully said by Prithviraj in one of my favorite movies).
When you think about it, we’re all puppets in the grand show of media where they pull the strings and we act along. Ever watched a persuasive advertisement about a product which you most definitely do not need, but left you with a feeling of desire for the same? Now this is an example of how the media shapes our cognitive responses and determines our needs and wants.
Some stories are played on a loop, while others barely get any media attention. This is determined by viewer ratings, lucrative narratives and clickbait potentials rather than whether it’s relevant or not. Stories that make the headlines tell us what to think about and influence our perception on the topic.
The cherry on top is the obsession with social media- the double edged sword of our media dominated world. On one hand, social media is a boon which helps us stay connected and informed about the affairs of the world. But on the other hand, with the play of algorithms, it leaves you in a vicious cycle of opinions which show you one side of the coin. It’s like living in a bubble where the only right opinion is yours.
Renowned psychologist Ivan Pavlov came up with his theory of “conditioning”. He explained this with the help of an experiment conducted on dogs and controlling their eating habits. He did this by ringing a bell every time he fed the dogs. The dogs were conditioned to believe that the ringing of the bell signified “meal time” .The animals started to salivate just by hearing the bell. Every pop of notification on our screen serves as our very own bell, drawing us to the screen to check what’s going on, regardless of what you are doing or where you are.
First step towards breaking free from this cycle is to be more aware and vigilant about what we consume. Be skeptical and view everything from within a magnifying glass and don't take everything at face value. Ensure that you take some time off to “detox”.
So next time you're lying on the couch, scrolling mindlessly, remember that you are the creator of your own narrative. By being aware and critical of what we consume, we can navigate through the labyrinth of media without succumbing to it.