"It's a classic." BORING.
Let's just come out with it already. Classic novels send us into a spiral of recalling the smell of crisp yellow pages and words that sound impossibly long-enough to make a grown man burst into tears. Classics have stood the test of time because at its core lies human experience and emotions-which is universal and applicable at all times. But what if we took the beloved stories from the past and gave it a fresh perspective? Let’s reimagine our favorite classics with a modern twist.
Consider how much simpler Romeo and Juliet's lives could have been if they had access to a smartphone. At times, we, as mortals of the 21st century, have a tendency to underestimate our blessings. I’m a 21st century girl through and through.
Classics often reflect the values of its time. Providing a modern perspective would rejuvenate viewpoints and expand its horizons. It also makes it easier for younger generations to relate to it.
Let’s talk about Jane Austen. Most of the topics she critiqued in her novels are still very much alive. Elizabeth Bennett’s feminist nature might find a place in today’s women empowerment movements. In short, Jane Austen would be equivalent to powerful women like Michelle Obama and Oprah in the 21st century.
Jay Gatsby? Definitely going to end up being an influencer. He’s going to be posting about his mansion parties all day. I’d bet a million dollars that Sherlock and Watson are going to be running a successful murder podcast. They’re going to end up being an internet sensation.
Looking at classics through a modern lens would give them a fresh layer of humor, incredible twists and just make it so much more appealing. It’s not always about stripping them of their essence. The theme would remain the same-be it love, fear, anger or worry. It simply enhances the writings and ensures that it resonates with modern readers. Infusing modern elements into the stories make sure that it does not end up being a relic of the past.
By modernizing these novels, we can inspire younger generations to appreciate and connect with them. Incorporating the finer aspects of both worlds enhances its relatability. You might just find out that these old stories have more to it than it seems.
What classic would you like to see in the modern world? Let us know in the comments.