Amidst the chaos, that is high school, with its assignments, tests, and extracurriculars, I often find myself wishing I could hit the pause button or freeze time altogether. But in reality, there’s no such thing as a pause. That’s when I realized: why do kindergartners get nap time when high schoolers don’t?
As a high schooler, I can tell you first-hand that life is a marathon. Between classes, homework, and extracurriculars, I’m often running on fumes. Kindergartners.. I mean what do they do? Daily dose of fun and creativity, have nap time built into their schedule.. their life seems pretty easy to me. Now, their biggest challenge might come down to choosing between the red or blue crayon. But for my fellow high schoolers and I, it's way beyond that. Life in itself is a juggling act of academic pressure, extracurricular commitments, and sometimes even part-time jobs or familial responsibilities! How are we expected to excel in everything, when the stress is just so overwhelming. So, now I'm going to ask you that question again. Who really needs that nap? This isn't a competition, but we all know that it's the busy bees out there, aka, the highschoolers.
When it's time to hit the reset button on a tired brain, we take a nap. And research shows that a short nap can improve mood, alertness, and performance. Now for high schoolers, who often run on empty, this would be an actual game-changer. A one-hour nap in the midst of the day could make all the difference between understanding integration or zoning out in class. Come to think of it, this isn't a luxury; it’s a necessity.
Now, to anyone who wants to argue that high schoolers need to toughen up, I ask: what do we have to lose? I only see benefits here: a more productive student, improved focus, reduced stress, and better memory retention. A small investment but a massive payoff. In fact, I often see my class looking like a bunch of sleep-deprived zombies within the first hour of school! It’s not just me—I’m sure my teachers would prefer a classroom full of alert students instead.
I remember a day when, after a bunch of classes and never ending homework, I felt like my brain was running on 1% battery—barely able to function and desperate in need of a charge. Well if my phone needs a break to charge, so do I.
I’ve often heard the quote, “No rest for the weary.” But maybe it’s time we rephrase that to “Rest for the weary.” Just as a phone needs to be recharged to function at its best, so do we. Kindergartners got their naps, now it's our turn!
After all, we’re not robots; we’re human right? And even the most advanced machines need their downtime